
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Do Christians have it right?
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
No one likes being lied to so it's always a good idea to make sure you're on the right path. Today we talked about, well what else, Christianity and if it's correct. Are Christians the ones who have it right in the first place? What is your best defense of your faith?

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Harmony in God's Family
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
I'm all in
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
How does our view on God's character effect our lives? Has your view of God's character changed over the time of your Christian walk? What is holding church unity back?

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Psalm 23
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
The Chili Crew breaks down the entire Psalm 23 verse by verse in order to better understand it. How is the Lord leading us and where? Why is he bringing us to the symbolic pasture and still waters? If this chapter has been a blessing to you leave a comment and tell us about it.
"The Lord's mercies are forever but not the life of a lithium ion battery."

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Gonna be a bumpy ride
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Where could all of this "New Normal" lead and what should we be doing as Christians? We'll discuss how God has been helping us through all of the different changes that's been happening and as a Christian what strength have we been pulling from to keep moving forward.

Friday May 15, 2020
What is Trust?
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
This is our first Facebook Live Episode - We talked about trusting God through all this and how to build that trust. This was our first FBL so please forgive any of the audio issues that might arise. We love you all please stay safe. Please join us as we discuss trust and how it applies to our walk with Christ.

Friday May 08, 2020
What is Worship?
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
What different types of worship are there? How can we worship the Lord? What examples in scripture are there of worship? Join us as we discuss worship.

Monday May 04, 2020
Do we give the devil too much credit?
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Do we give the Devil too much credit? Did God know that what he did would cause all this? What kind of authority/power does Satan have? Should we have sympathy for the Devil? Join us as we discuss these questions and more! Leave a comment, keep the conversation rolling, we would love to hear from you.

Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Garbage in Garbage out
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Content Warning, We discuss sex topics in this episode. Join us for the conversation as we discuss Garbage in, Garbage out, what does the information we ingest have to do with the actions we do?

Monday Apr 20, 2020
What are Stumbling Blocks?
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Join us as we discuss stumbling blocks, what are they? How can we identify them? How important are they?